

取り敢えず,KMSがmodeset=0で動く様になったと思ったら#vhdlにnumeric_stdな猿が居たのでflameしてみた. :P
07/19 02:35:22 jv
MatthiasM: Why is logic_arith so pervasive?
07/19 02:35:41 MatthiasM
07/19 02:46:31 jv
MatthiasM: why people keep using std_logic_artih
07/19 02:46:56 MatthiasM
maybe because neither Xilinx or Altera updated their language

07/19 03:27:50 hiyuh
jv: MatthiasM: promote me numeric_std more. then I'll switch from
sticking std_logic_arith.
07/19 03:28:21 MatthiasM
hiyuh: simple - no help for everyone who uses std_logic_arith :P
07/19 03:28:40 hiyuh
07/19 03:30:21 NULL[0]
we need to open a new channel for that: #vhdl-93
07/19 03:30:55 MatthiasM
or #vhdl-only-for-std_numeric-users
07/19 03:31:12 hiyuh
there is no system doesn't support std_logic_arith and
numeric_std. monkey is just saying "it's t3h standard".
07/19 03:32:05 NULL[0]
a 15 years old tool supporting only vhdl-87 will not support
numeric_std ;p
07/19 03:32:35 hiyuh
no, that kind of craps are not system anymore. :p
07/19 03:36:29 hiyuh
anyway, vhdl-93/2002 doesn't bother to use std_logic_arith, iirc.
07/19 03:36:58 NULL[0]
because it is not necessary anymore
07/19 03:39:00 hiyuh
so plz, promote me in technical view. numeric_std is different from
std_logic_arith. why I should migrate?
07/19 03:39:15 hiyuh
s/I should/should I/
07/19 03:39:50 NULL[0]
one is a standard the other one a de facto standard that will
hopefully be deprecated soon ;)
07/19 03:40:27 NULL[0]
unfortunately it will never happen ;/
07/19 03:41:05 hiyuh
yup, de facto standard won't be deprecated. b/c monky is just saying
"it's t3h standard".
07/19 03:41:20 hiyuh
so plz promote me more.
07/19 03:42:07 NULL[0]
I don't really care :p, I have seen only 1 stupid case combining
std_logic_signed and std_logic_unsigned which broke the code
07/19 03:43:05 NULL[0]
something impossible with numeric_std ;)
07/19 03:43:12 NULL[0]
07/19 03:44:43 hiyuh
std_logic_arith is not std_logic_{signed,unsigned}.
07/19 03:44:45 hiyuh
mixing them does overload some functions in current vhdl standard,
it just makes noobs confuse.
07/19 03:45:17 NULL[0]
std_logic_(un)signed is part of the synopsys libraries like
07/19 03:45:50 hiyuh
nope, they are separated, iirc.
07/19 03:46:08 NULL[0]
library IEEE;
07/19 03:46:08 NULL[0]
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
07/19 03:46:08 NULL[0]
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
07/19 03:46:24 NULL[0]
that's the beginning of std_logic_signed
07/19 03:46:37 NULL[0]
-- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc. --
07/19 03:49:10 hiyuh
07/19 03:49:54 NULL[0]
and ?
07/19 03:51:13 hiyuh
synopsys/std_logic_arith.vhdl has only "use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;"
07/19 03:51:23 hiyuh
so, they are separated.
07/19 03:51:40 NULL[0]
std_logic_(un)signed is a wrapper applied on std_logic_arith
07/19 03:52:43 hiyuh
07/19 03:53:00 hiyuh
but i don't use std_logic_unsigned/std_logic_signed to avoid overload
07/19 03:54:34 NULL[0]
std_logic_arith and numeric_std have more or less the same
functionalities, so there is no reason to use the library which is
not standard in newer code
07/19 03:55:24 hiyuh
again, plz promote me more.
07/19 03:55:37 hiyuh
in technical view.
07/19 03:56:05 hiyuh
std_logic_arith and numeric_std have more or less the same
functionalities, so there is no reason to migrate the library which
is not de facto standard.
07/19 03:57:09 hiyuh
NULL[0]: so what you said is "in technical"?
07/19 03:57:22 hiyuh
i don't think so.
07/19 03:57:28 MatthiasM
hiyuh: numeric_std has resize
07/19 03:57:51 MatthiasM
and shift_left/right with warnings when the numerical value changed
because of overflow
07/19 03:58:01 hiyuh
07/19 03:58:23 MatthiasM
eg resize(to_unsigned(10, 4), 3) gives a warning in simulation
07/19 03:58:45 MatthiasM
but resize(to_unsigned(10, 5), 4) is ok

07/19 04:02:52 hiyuh
yo, |fred| :)
07/19 04:03:14 |fred|
perfect timing to disappear ;o)
07/19 04:03:22 hiyuh
07/19 04:33:26 |fred|
hiyuh: I have actually right now to follow a guideline forbidding
numeric_std :)
07/19 04:34:00 hiyuh
07/19 04:34:59 hiyuh
k, i'll switch to numeric_std at next proj.
07/19 04:35:01 hiyuh

"it's t3h standard!!1"は"but ITJUSTWORKS(tm)"で一蹴される阿呆に共通する特徴.
でも,実を言うとstd_logic_arithに気に入らない所もあるので,今度から numeric_stdを使ってみっかな.
std_logic_arithにしがみついているのは,#vhdlでは少数派の様だし. :P

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