
doDesc(HardMAC & SoftMAC);

[Well, got off?]
livedoor Wirelessのラの字も考えてないWeb屋のネタ帳の誤読記事
livedoor wireless、MACアドレスによる認証を開始--ニンテンドーDSにも対応

何はともあれ,IEEE 802.11を読んでみましょ,話はそれからっす.
['kay, before we start to talk wireless thingy, Get IEEE 802.11.]

[BTW, here's improved one.]

無線伝送路として使用する周波数帯域自体が全く別のトコを使うのでIEEE 802.11*準拠*で
かなり反則なハードウェアに仕上っている. :P
[It has no problem b/c it'll be used on not common radio frequency band,
this hardware has no hardware restriction for MAC address.
Its address can be changed even if in runtime.
Say, it really rocks, I thought. :P]

ARPのframe formatの話になるとモノを読んだ訳ではないからなんとも言えないけど,
IEEE 802.11ではAP側はMACアドレスをBSSIDとしてframe format中で使う.
STAからのprobe requestに対するprobe responseに付加される事になっている.
これはClass I frameと呼ばれるブツでauthenticationやassociation,
[I dunno about ARP's frame format b/c I've not read ARP standard.
But, in IEEE 802.11, AP uses its own MAC address as BSSID.
This BSSID is payloaded on beacon and probe resposne.
These are included in Class I frame, it can be tx/rx-ed before
authentication/association is completed.]

つまり,IEEE 802.11に従う限り,APのMACアドレスを知る為にARPを使う必要は無い.
且つPMD/PLCPが適切な機能を持っていれば,無線伝送路上を行き交うモノはIEEE 802.11の
MACのレイヤーではoctet streamに変換される.
これはpassive scan,具体的に言うとMLME-SCAN.requestのScanType==PASSIVEに相当する.
[So, in IEEE 802.11, to get AP's MAC address does not needs to use ARP.
All you have to do is, fixed STA's a channel and move into accress area
where it can grab AP's beacon and proper PMD/PLCP capability, you can
see all frame as octet stream in IEEE 802.11 MAC layer.
So, STA does not needs to transmit any frame to get AP's MAC address.]

更に,IEEE 802.11ではAPのBeaconPeriodを幾つにするかは規定されていない.
が,WiFiなんとかとか言う機関が異なるベンダーから提供されるIEEE 802.11な機器で
一般の消費者が使用するIEEE 802.11なブツがAPとして動作する場合,
[And IEEE 802.11 does not specified BeaconPeriod value explicitly.
But WiFi-blah tests their connectivity for different vendor's products.
In general, most of IEEE 802.11 products which can be available for consumer
may transmit beacon every about 100[ms] interval.]

この辺はまた別でIEEE 802.11[a-z]の内,"せきゅりてぃ"なトコが担当しているので良く知らない.
[Of cource, there is a way to encrypt beacon itself.
But it's beyond of IEEE 802.11, it's mentioned in security enhancement group
which is one of IEEE 802.11[a-z].
And you can easy to understand it breaks connectivity.]

これはそもそもIEEE 802.11の規定する無線伝送路での通信手段として,
CSMA/CD == Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection
CSMA/CA == Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance
勿論,Collision Avoidanceとは言ってもcollisionする事は考慮されているので,
dot11ShortRetryやらdot11LongRetryってのがIEEE 802.11 MAC MIBには存在する.
[Simply, "No beacon transmit is another way to go", of course no.
Beacon is broadcast one to announce where AP is at all,
and it's for synchronize TSF timer which is unique timer of each
BSS as well.
Well, IEEE 802.11 is based on CSMA/CA, not CSMA/CD AKA which is use
base of Ethernet.
So, STA wouldn't transmit any frame before synchronized BSS.]

それからWEPはその名の通り,Wired Equivalent Privacy.
[BTW, WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy.
Imagine, number of available frequency channel is equal to
number of repeater and everyone can use these repeater.
It's really easy to get other's frame by simply tapping.]

Frame Control fieldのoctet streamに対する単純なdecoderでしかない
address recognizerの部分をSMEを経由してソフトウェア側で実現しているだけ.
[That MAC address filtering is simple.
It is software implementation of SME of address recognizer
which decode octet stream of one of Frame Control filed stuffs.]

と言う訳で,みなさんはハードウェアには投資して下さい. :P
[So, the problem is, many dumb hardware are?
Say, pay to get proper/sane hardware, plz. :P]


sanitize(0xBADC0D); hg.commit(tip);

[T3h old SH7751R dev box didn't boot, ZOMG...]

仕方無いので,ThinkPadにGentoo Linux ~x86を突っ込んだ後に,サクっと
[So, I've installed Gentoo Linux ~x86 to ThinkPad and make it dev box of
sh4-unknown-linux-gnu by using sys-devel/crossdev.
Then, pull'n'split patches from t3h productive kernel src was beased on 2.4.18,
and commit them to dev-util/mercurial repository w/ my stupid code sanitizing.]

これまたテキトーにcompile fixなpatchもでっち上げた.
[But it won't build due to t3h src depends old toolchain behavior.
So, I've poke it and make zImage build.]

時間が余ればupstrteamなpatch repositoryもでっち上げたので
仕事をしているフリをしてbackport遊びをするかもしれない. :p
[The last one is to deploy stuffs on the board and debug'n'fix.
Once IT JUST WORKS(tm), it may be time to backport only for fun. :p]

で,新Greg-KH本が出たらしい. :)
[BTW, New Greg-KH's book is now available, I heard. :)]
New book explains how to build Linux 2.6 kernels (LinuxDevices.com)


Draw(SoftMAC & HardMAC);

IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11aのMAC/PHYの辺りのイメージ.
納期がヤヴァい. :P
[Here's my stupid image of IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.11a MAC/PHY.
Well, I'd have to stuff completely SoftMAC flow charts, though.
Umm, blah. :P]

Network SubsystemとかPCI DMAとかも.
Ring BufferとかARP Cache本体とかを書く場所が無いなー. :P
Forgot to add Network Subsystem and PCI DMA or so.
Oh well, there is no space to describe Ring Buffer
and ARP Cache itself. :P]

変な所に在ったIEEE 802.x LANをIEEE 802.3として分離.
IEEE 802.1 BridgingとIEEE 802.2 LLCを追加.
ねむー. :P
Separated IEEE 802.x LAN as IEEE 802.3 for example was wrong placed.
Added IEEE 802.1 Bridging and IEEE 802.2 LLC.
Well, SIGZZZ. :P]


goto t3h_Y; t3h_Y: doTT4(SoftMAC & HardMAC);

便利屋且つ厄介者として扱われる今日この頃. :P
[My bosses thought I was hardware-oriented, though I'm now
deemed software-oriented.
To make matters worse, my office lacks software-oriented ones.
So, I act like the handy man, otherwise like nuisance. :P
Last week, the Thursday is a review of hardware specs @ t3h 'Y'.
Then, Friday is 4th meeting of P4.]

レビューにて,お客さんはRadio Frequencyな人らしく,
曰く,「聴いてもヨクワカラナイ」からとか. :P
[The reviewer is really Radio Frequency guy, he pointed at AGC/LNA thingy.
But he'd let leave up me about software thingy.
B/c, he said "Well, I'm unprofessional that thingy as you know." :P]

[On the meeting, it made me have to design SoftMAC implementation.
The follows are P4 iff SoftMAC.]
 * P4 iif SoftMAC
+ active scanning
+ best-effort hand-off
+ misc MLME ioctl(2)
+ misc PLME ioctl(2)
で,高専の頃,誰かが言っていた事を思い出した. :P
[So, I'd have to say a phrase that I heard I was a student of ONCT. :P
"You should doubt what someone said, even if he was your guru,
especially when he mentioned about unprofessional thigy."]

修正: typoとか.
[FIX: Typos or so.]



[I've Poked the BPFs.
Requested spec is to attenaute aliasing/imaging
for 5MHz band signal on 16MHz carrier.]

[Simply to attenaute DC and 32MHz ones required 20 deg.
Some referenced previous designs used 48 deg, so I've tried
to enlarge high/low attenaution band w/ 48 deg as well.]

で,XilinxのISE 8.2iでジェネってみた.
[Then, I've tried to generate w/ ISE 8.2i.
Blah, that's really bloated and enough to confuse.
So why does it have 2 FIR code gen?
Well, I'll read about 40+60 page manual written in English,
though on the way to and from t3h 'Y'.]

[My minor oriented karma force me not to use sys-apps/qingy,
due to dev-libs/DirectFB's PV==1.0_rc2.
The replacement is x11-misc/slim-1.2.6 is written in C++ though,
not takes so long time.
So, I'll make my own theme sooner or later.]
Bug 107526 x11-misc/{slim,slim-themes} - new ebuild

あ,Splashyってのもあるのかー. :P
[Oh well, Splashy is, too. :P]


んー,一年振りのz変換は或る意味,新鮮だったりする. :P
[SoftMAC thingy is mostly DONE, then I'd poke next thingy.
The ones are design digital filter which is implemented
before/after quadrature modulation/demodulation.
Hmm, the "z transform" is much nicer, after an absence of
a year. :P]

[Well, I've poked LPFs before/after down-sampler/up-sampler.
These LPFs attenuate these samplers' aliasing/imaging.
These combined ones are so-called decimator/interpolator.]

[Due to MATLAB's suck UI and bloat, it takes 1 day
to realize how to use filter designing tools for me.
And then, restudy about z-transform, control theory and signal
processing of discrete time domain, that takes half of a day.
Studying about functionalities and implementation techs
of decimator/interpolator, that takes another half of a day.]

= (2xアップサンプラ + 50次等リプルLPF)
+ (8xアップサンプラ + 14次線形補間LPF)
= (8xダウンサンプラ + 54次等リプルLPF)
+ (2xダウンサンプラ + 6次等リプルLPF)
[Finally, I've designed like this,
= (2x up-sampler + equiripple LPF of 50 deg.)
+ (8x up-sampler + linear interpolation of 14 deg.)
= (8x down-sampler + equiripple LPF of 54 deg.)
+ (2x down-sampler + equiripple LPF of 6 deg.)]

IEEE 802.11のMAC部分はLinuxに実装があるけど,
控えめに見積もってもシミュレーション程度にしかならないからかな? :P
[BTW, internal of that designing tools use Parks-McClellan
algorithm which is combined Remez algorithm and Chebychev
approximation, I heard.
Linux has a IEEE 802.11 MAC part implementation though,
these is no implementation one which is under PHY thingy.
Well, I know that "under PHY thingy" is hardware functionalities,
and it depends on RF part.
Their use is only for a expectation collation for HDL, or simply
for its simulation. :P]

[Hmm, tomorrow, I'll poke BPFs which is implemented before/after
quadrature modulation/demodulation.]


doTT3(HardMAC & SoftMAC); dosomethings2();

IEEE 802.11な英文を読んでもらう事になってしまった.
ま,被害者^H^H^H仲間が増えるだけなので問題無し. :P
[P4 meeting 3rd.
Hmm, co-devs will read the IEEE 802.11 one.
Well, they look like victims^H^H^H^H^H^Hambitious. :P]

x11-terms/xterm + app-i18n/scimとかjavaのpluginがぶっ壊れるっぽい.
一応言及しておくとXCBが悪い訳ではなくて,twice lock/unlockとかしている
Momongaでは一時的な対策(?)として,twice lock/unlockをassert(3)で
検出している部分をコメントアウトすると言うパッチまで用意してるし,それはマズくね? :P
CFLAGS+="-g" + USE="debug"なx11-libs/*をでっち上げて,
upstreamのpatchを幾つか拾ってきたので,暇な時に直す予定,多分. :P
[BTW, USE="xcb" really l^Hrocks.
x11-terms/xterm + app-i18n/scim and java plugins are bombed.
FYI, that isn't XCB's fault b/c some apps try twice lock/unlock itself,
these crappy code shoudl be shot.
OTOH, Momonga ab^H^Huses a patch which deletes assert(3) for invalid
twice lock/unlock. :P
So, I prepared x11-libs/* w/ CFLAGS+="-g" + USE="debug" to fix it.
I'll poke something sooner or later, maybe. :P]

uberlordさんがcomplete rewriteしたのでKEYWORDSが一度外されて,
little endianなホストが刺さったっぽい.
[Then, net-misc/dhcpcd-3.0.0, IT JUST WORKS(tm).
uberlord did complete re-write, and droped KEYWORDS.
But, there are some limbos of endian consideration,
so no htonl(3) is IT DOESN'T WORK(tm) on little endian host.
There is byte-order fix patch, but bugzie is now dead, for resurrection.]

で,遂に需要の少なそうなブツを公開. :9
[Yay, a little demanded one is finally out. :9
You can clone it w/ dev-util/mercurial.]
$ hg http://dev.gentoo.gr.jp/~hiyuh/cgi-bin/hgweb.cgi portage
hiyuh's misc Portage Overaly

んー,ねるー. :P
Bugzie is resurrected.
net-misc/dhcpcd-3.0.1 is added.
Well, SIGZZZ. :P]


GentooJP.NomiKai--; /* LDAP */

忘年会は寝過ごさないように気を付けます. :P
[hmm, I've overslept the LDAP-favor NomiKai, sorry.
Well, I'll be no late next NomiKai AKA BouNenKai. :P]

[BTW, USE=xcb is added to x11-libs/libX11 and media-libs/mesa.]
XCB Wiki
XCB (Wikipedia)

[However, these have a silly build_with_use bug, so be careful.]
bug #156397


Office.NomiKai++; /* Nov. */

社内でピザ -> 飲み屋に移動 -> 駅前のカラオケのコンボ.
あー,喉がー,喉がー. :P
[Today is a NomiKai of end of Nov,
pizza in the office -> NimiYa -> KaraOke.
Hmm, I have a scratchy throat, though :P]


doTT2(SoftMAC & HardMAC); doSomethings();

しかし,やるしか道は無し,っと. :P
[Today, I had 2nd meeting of P4.
I've done my action items for this one.
However, I have to do some time-consumings for next one.
But yes, only what I can do is to do it, anyway. :P]

[It's a bit of unfair for me that what I only saw other's mumbles
even if I'd have to mention that thingy.
So, here we go.]

Chofu-sai (AO diary)
["I'd show that some OB really fun his works for these students."]

仕事が面白過ぎて日付が変わる前に帰宅するのに苦労しております. :P
[Well, I'm really fun my works.
Every time I have to leave work due to dateline coming,
I feel my heartbreak. :P]

[IIRC, my boss said,
"If you would work for clothing/food/housing, we can't recommend that doing.
For have an easy life, there are many other way to go."]

OSM亡き後どうすんのかという話 (みんな仲良しのつもり)
["UEC's network doesn't allow to me to access CVS repos, how annoying..."]

それ,自分もすーぱー困ってました. :P
[Yep, that was really PITA, too. :P
Due to their policy, it might not help, though I'm not sure about that truth
b/c I was not one of that admins.]

Officeの機能は思考を規定する (備忘録)
["As a result, to add more option would be good, to have highly IT
literacy as well.
So, I'd like to say to add more options is needed as Office's innovation.
BTW, once it change its format to XML, Perl/Ruby/Python make it easy to
poke its data, so that 'if' is much nicer, LOL."]

そして,イルカはカッコいい! :P
[IMHO, to add many option is not so better thing.
I wouldn't define to stuff about giving every possible help
how to use one tool as a comp-literacy.
All dictionary should contain 'if and only if' indexes and
'if and only if' contents, I thought.
The last line is what I'd always have to say.
To click many times to calculate something is really annoying me.
BTW, that dolphin really rocks! :P]

[Nowadays, there are many WIMPy apps, ARG criticized,
"The main reason has been the economical success of computers
in the normal consumer market, which consists of unexperienced users mainly.
Our motivation is to change this situation and to provide a graphical
user interface for experienced users, though we know that this market is
a niche. "]

Javaでソートアルゴリズム (WEBLOG SIDE)
qsort(3p)と{b,h,l,t}search(3p)で"ぎぶあっぷ"です. :(
return + カスケード条件代入文で論理SLOC 3で終了です. :)
[qsort(3p) and {b,h,l,t}search(3p) is enough for me. :(
Any compare function is constructed by,
sane casting for 2 arguments and
return + cascaded conditional substitution.
These are only logical 3 SLOC, period. :)]


a result of my jaw

何とかなるっしょ? :P
[Today, I attended a meeting of t3h P4 dev-direction.
Well, it may have some pitas, though all I can do is
just do it if the project is runnig. :P]

[When the meeting was over, I jawed some of OTs.
So, a my boss mumbled like,
"Okay, like you said, we may plan a private project
that's for creating upstream-flavor dev-env of Linux on
our CPU+FPGA+AD/DA board-set, after the P4 was over."]

始まるとすればそれ以降になるけど,ちょー期待,まだ口約束だけどな! :DDD
Gentooが云百万のFPGAを制御する日は近い,たぶん. :P
[Hmm, according to the P4's schedule, that will be over
until Feb. or so.
Then, the awesome plan will start, I hope.
But it's still verbal one, though! :DDD
So, we'll see FPGAs which is really expensive and Gentoo's
collaboration, I guess. :P ]


Merge(&EixTrunk, &MyPatches); Exchange(&PB.battery);

昨日,貼ったばかりのapp-portage/eix-0.8.1のパッチが速攻でマージされた. :)
全部current svn trunkに突っ込んでもらえたみたい.
[Yesterday, I filed warning silence patch of app-portage/eix-0.8.1
bugzie, as you see.
Then, the dev quickly review'n'test that stupid ones and did merged
to current svn trunk, except my wrong singed/unsigned pokings.]

取り敢えず,Mercurial使いなのだと言い訳をしておいた. :P
[And then, he realized I didn't know use of Subversion b/c that was
cat(1)-ed from manually diff(1)-ed ones.
So, he suggested me to use of it by mini howto.
Well, I had to say I'm a user of Mercurial, not Subversion, though. :P]

んー,良く見るとバッテリのパッケージの境目が気持ち黄色っぽいのだが気の所為か? :P
[BTW, my Gentoo/PPC PowerBook's battery was one of defective ones,
as Apple announced already.
Hmm, I already got suspicious due to this one didn't fit precisely its main frame.
This exchange program is no charge, so there is no reason of to do it.
Umm, If I made attention to see this one, its boundary lines look like
bit of yellowish, though. :P]


doTT(HardMAC & SoftMAC); eix.warning--;

と言う訳で,8時間程かけてHardMACとSoftMACの極意を伝授された. :P
[Today, I've been transferd technical thingy of HardMAC and
SoftMAC from my bosses.
Well, it takes 8 hours or so, though. :P
Next, I'd have to note some detail of its spec to the sheet.]

0.8.1がportageに入ったので,bugzieに貼っておく. :P
[app-portage/eix has ton of warnings, so I've fixed some of these.
And 0.8.1 was out, it needs to fix official ASAP. :P]
silence warnings when compiling app-portage/eix-0.8.1


+ (dot11 | MAC & PHY) * (1.0 / 4.0);

"IEEE802.11 MAC and PHY"な"すたんだーどどらふと"(?)を更に1/4程消化.
ブツの仕様書を書く事になっているけど,どーなるんでしょーかー? :P
["IEEE802.11 MAC and PHY" as known as the standard
draft, plus about 1/4 is DONE.
DS thingy and InfraRed thingy of PHY are skipped as a 1/2 of
that draft.
Tomorrow, once my bosses tell me about boundary of HardMAC
and SoftMAC thingy, I'll do write down its spec or so.
Well, who knows what will happen? :P]

と言う訳で,Abandon! Abandon! :P
[My impression is,
I know a backward-compat is a really important thing, though.
But those many considerations drive me nuts, I'd have to say.
All I would say is "Abandon! Abandon!" :P]


(dot11 | MAC & PHY) * (1.0/4.0)

"IEEE802.11 MAC and PHY"な"すたんだーどどらふと"(?)を1/4程消化.
と言うか,MSDUとかIFSとかDCFとか...acronymが多過ぎ. :P
[I'm reading "IEEE 802.11 MAC and PHY" as known as the standard
draft, about 1/4 is DONE.
But, yes, my speed is really slow due to these are written in English.
Finally, I realize the authentication and the association thingy,
to understand it requires to know these mobility thingy, damn it!
BTW, that stuff has many acronym like MSDU, IFS and DCF or so,
these are enough for me to do limbo, even if when I'm reading it. :P]

[At the same time, I'm poking OFDM thingy.
That stuff is not quite difficult for me, though.
But I'd have to say I really forgot some mathematics thingy even I was
good at ones.
As it is often said,
"Once you didn't use it, you'll forgot use of it, even if you were good at it."]

麓の里にて弓矢を示し,「これは何の道具か?」と訊いたそうな. :P
[Well, so like that,
A hunter, he want to become hsien and he did train harder'n'harder in mountains.
Finally, he can do shoot a bird w/o bow'n'arrow, then he went down mountains.
When he saw a bow'n'arrow in a store of a village, he pointed it and asked,
"Hmm, what's that for?" :P]


God kills a kitten...

[From #gentoo-bugs snippet log.]
11/09 04:44:01 jeeves
[New Bug] https://bugs.gentoo.org/154496 nor, P2, All,
ejs76@conceptsfa.nl-bug-wranglers@gentoo.org, NEW, pending,
nvidia-drivers-9742-beta have been released
11/09 04:44:25 jakub
11/09 04:44:59 Opfer
11/09 04:45:33 jakub
where's the 0day kitten link
11/09 04:47:04 Faustov
dunno but i got an f1 crash link: http://warpdrive.se/upl/30527.jpg
11/09 04:47:18 jakub
11/09 04:47:24 Faustov

11/09 05:02:38 hiyuh
jakub: http://allen.brooker.gb.net/misc/kitten-0day.jpg
11/09 05:03:00 jakub
hiyuh: ty; already found it in bookmarks
11/09 05:03:05 hiyuh
11/09 05:04:21 hiyuh
11/09 05:04:44 jakub
11/09 05:05:39 jakub
bonsaikitten: ^^^ :D
11/09 05:05:50 zlin
11/09 05:07:10 *
bonsaikitten segfaults
11/09 05:07:17 armin76
11/09 05:07:28 hiyuh
needs to gdb him


[Today, I've poked "dot-eleven" header structure and DMA thingy.
So, DMA thingy has 2 points.]
  • デバイス側のDMAコントローラの動作に従う必要が有るので,
    [Deu to limitation of device side DMA controller,
    we have to restrict these memory mapping.]

  • 実メモリが不足しがちなハードウェアだと,DMAなメモリ領域を動的に,
    [On small memory hardware, dynamic allocation of fragment
    memories will became only PITA.]

[All I can say is that points are similar to use of *alloc(3)
in useland.]
/* A consistent allocation */
uint8_t essential_memory[SIZE_OF_REQUIRED_MEMORY_IN_OCTET];

/* do somthing here. */

/* A dynamic allocation */
uint8_t *p_essential_memory;

p_essential_memory =
sizeof(uint8_t *)
if (p_essential_memory == (uint8_t *)NULL) {
* You should do recover allocation failure anyhow,
* Otherwise, you have to give up.

/* do something here. */


[So, use of *alloc(3) depends on its needs.
Whan it uses *alloc(3), it should have some reason
for costs of that overhead and coding error handling.]

manページを読めば分かるけど,OOM killer,所謂メモリ不足解決器も居るし.
[If it's no matter to have some overheads, lacking error
handling produce SIGSEGV annoying, dumb ass^H^H^Hsecurity holes.
To make matte worse, OOM killer is, which is a out of memory beast,
according to man pages.]

[If we'd talk about device driver's memory allocation,
DMA needs to reserve continuous physical memory.
So, trying reserve it w/o timeout is a easy way to lock-up.]

メモリマップを変更してしまうと言う荒技もあるが,それは反則なんだと. :P
[Thus, failure of dynamic allocation for DMA is totally nonsense
as a point of view of driver's robustness.
A way to go is reserve memory as sane DMA mapping when it do initialize.
If you really want to completely robust driver and you're ready to
sacrifice its modularize portability, you can do re-map canonical
memory mapping, though.
Of course, I'd have to say it's just abuse. :P]


A SNS so-called MySpace

変なSNSですな. :P
[Well, done.
That's bit of subtle, though. :P]
hiyuh's MySpace


(hasFW(&ORiNOCO) && hasFW(&Prism54)) ? P4.curse++ : P4.curse--;

例のプロジェクトP4,イイ感じに雲行きが怪しい! :X
[That project P4 really su^H^Hrocks! :X]

[Today, I've dug ORiNOCO and Prism54 thingy.
Because, my bosses' plan has writing driver for the FPGA which is implemented
our PHY+MAC IP as first TODO.
But, almost of 802.11a/b/g chips has PHY as logical circuit,
and a half of MAC is small embedded processor, the half of MAC is firmware, IIRC.]

お目にかかれないって,ヤバくね? :P
[Then, that MAC part has authentication and association thingy.
Well, our FPGA has no internal embedded processor, though.
And to make matter worse, these firmware can be available as only disassembled
source or S-Recode stuff, ZOMG. :P]

[Hum, all I will do is only do it, though.]

Note(&SKorea[4]) ? FlightBack(&me) : CrackUp(&me);

が,"ぶらんど"なブツとかしか見当たらず,何も買えず仕舞い. :(
[SKorea 4th day.
We went to LOTTE's duty-free store of "MyonBon"(?).
However, there are many brand-ed stores, but only like that.
So, I couldn't bought any souvenir. :(
Finally, I bought tea set which is priced 150,000 won for my parents.
FYI, 150,00 won is about 20,000 yen or so.
Well, it was rainy in SKorea, so the aircraft which we were boarding
were rolling somehow, though.
Tomorrow, we'll go on with our working day.]

今回の旅行の感想,「キムチ,一生分喰ったんじゃなかろうか?」 :P
[The summary of this trip is "We can't eat Kimchi any more, I guess?" :P]



悉く地名を覚えていない. :P
[SKorea 3rd day.
Today, We went to see the city sights.
Seeing museum's stuffs, eating bibimbap, korean ginseng has really subtle gamy,
avoiding forced amethyst sales, up'n'down to/from observatory where is 60 levels,
a boat riding, just passing over duty-free shops.
I just forgot all of their name. :P]

結局,昨日の夜,一体何が起こったのかは謎. :(
[At the night, eating ton of Korean-style grilled meat stuffs,
and going to a bar whose name means "Sakana", I've just drank cola.
And then, we went to a KaraOke, which my bosses drank'n'drank 42 beers at the last
However, the master said like "Sorry, today we're not ready to violent welcome...",
and my bosses said to me like "You, too bad!".
Anyway, I can't realize what happened at the last night there. :(]

[Tomorrow, we have no plan to use our time of all morning.
But, I can't read/write/pronounce any sucky Hangeul.
So, I have no choice, have to follow my bosses, though.
BTW, I haven't bought any souvenir ATM, would have to buy something, though.]

[Below, my LOL'n'SHOCKING memo.
SKorea have also...]

冥土(?)喫茶が存在する,らしい. :P
[Meido-Kissa is, I heard. :P]


Note(&SKorea[2]), Init(&GentooJP.admin);

板門店の中に有る会議をする為の建物の中で,国境を跨いで北朝鮮に入れた. :P
[SKorea 2nd day.
Today, I visited the 38th parallel, there are so-called DMZ or so.
At Panmunjeom, I've been over the borderline to NKorea. :P]

しかし,土日は殆ど店が閉まっていたので買えなんだ. :P
[Then, we went to a place like Radio-Department of AkiBa.
There were 486DX and SuperSPARC or so.
However, almost of store haven't opened due to today is holiday.
So, I can't buy that junks. :P]

取り敢えず,IRCとMLでムニャヘニャする役らしい. :)
[BTW, I've join as a GentooJP admin.
Meanwhile, I have to continue to play at IRC and ML or so. :)]


Note(&SKorea[1]), ricer.point += 10;

今日は移動 + 肉のみ,明日はDMZに行くとかなんとか.
感想,"ひこーき"はホントに飛ぶんですねー,すげー. :>
[Now, I'm in SKorea.
Today, I have first flight and ton of meat. :)
My bosses plan to go to DMZ tomorrow.
My impression is, aircraft was really flying, ZOMG. :>]

[BTW, I was playing in #gentoo-bugs even in SKorea. :P]
11/04 00:54:12 armin76
steev64, i guess that qt thing is because qt4 enables qt3 useflag,
and so the dependency
11/04 00:54:29 steev64
11/04 00:54:30 armin76
that's why in my case, at least
11/04 00:54:41 armin76
dbus and qt thingy, gentoo-dev
11/04 00:54:41 steev64
i have no clue
11/04 00:54:43 steev64
i hate qt
11/04 00:54:50 steev64
i don't deal with it at all
11/04 00:55:26 armin76
really dunno why qt4 enables qt3 use flag
11/04 00:55:43 steev64
something to take up with the qt herd
11/04 00:56:02 steev64
they wanted to unmask qt4 beforce dbus was read
11/04 00:56:03 steev64
11/04 01:01:03 steev64
either way, i blame qt
11/04 01:05:36 jakub
still better than gtk :P
11/04 01:08:50 armin76
use tk then
11/04 01:09:21 jakub

11/04 01:11:26 armin76
with reiser4
11/04 01:12:26 *
jakub runs
11/04 01:12:38 jakub
armin76: ricer herd, anyone? :P
11/04 01:14:52 armin76
11/04 01:15:19 hiyuh
!herd ricer
11/04 01:15:20 jeeves
hiyuh: unable to find ricer ; Perhaps one of us is malfunctioning?
11/04 01:15:29 hiyuh
no herd :P
11/04 01:15:34 jakub
too bad
11/04 01:15:37 hiyuh
11/04 01:15:38 jakub
11/04 01:16:21 jakub
could have a nifty profile... alpha gcc/glibc snapshots, mm-sources
and all :P
11/04 01:17:56 jakub
and of cource -fvisibility-inlines-hidden and --ffast-math by default
for added ricer feeling
11/04 01:18:40 armin76
11/04 01:19:13 hiyuh
-funroll-all-loops would be better. :P
11/04 01:23:21 drac
symlink /usr/portaga/profiles/package.mask to
/etc/portage/package.unmask by default
11/04 01:24:15 hiyuh
11/04 01:25:03 jakub
11/04 01:25:23 jakub
drac: +10 ricer points!
11/04 01:25:33 drac
11/04 01:25:43 drac
o/ ricerdance
11/04 01:25:50 jakub
11/04 01:30:10 armin76


isTripping(&me) ? GentooJP.NomiKai-- : GentooJP.NomiKai++;

で,飲み会に行けない. :(
[I'll be tripping at 11/{3,4,5,6} to Skorea.
So I needs AC trans plug somehow.
Well, so I'll be absent that NomiKai. :(]


A stuff of x11-plugins/*

[On #gentoo-ppc,]
11/01 01:34:51 mabi
hi folks
11/01 01:35:39 nixnut
hey mabi
11/01 01:38:17 mabi
nixnut: your opinion on bug #133806 ?
11/01 01:38:18 jeeves
mabi: https://bugs.gentoo.org/133806 nor, P2, All,
ben@berkano.net-maintainer-needed@gentoo.org, NEW, pending,
gkrellsun-0.12.* does not compile on GCC-4
11/01 01:38:41 mabi
imho we need to remove the stable keyword from the affected ebuild...
11/01 01:40:16 *
nixnut looks
11/01 01:42:16 nixnut
yay, marked stable more than two years ago
11/01 01:42:22 ChrisWhite|Work
CurrentGMTTime = (long) time(NULL);
11/01 01:42:23 ChrisWhite|Work
time_struc = gmtime((time_t)&CurrentGMTTime);
11/01 01:42:26 ChrisWhite|Work
rofl wtf
11/01 01:42:49 ChrisWhite|Work
"Let's cast it to re-cast it immediately afterwards!"
11/01 01:42:51 ChrisWhite|Work
that's just hilarious
11/01 01:44:26 nixnut
mabi: does gkrellsun-1.0.0 work?
11/01 01:46:07 hiyuh
bah, dumb lvalue unary :P
11/01 01:46:08 hansmi
ChrisWhite|Work: and even then it's wrong. gmtime wants a time_t*.
11/01 01:48:05 hiyuh
hmm, (time_t *)&... w/ -fno-strict-aliasing?
11/01 01:48:43 hansmi
using anything other than time_t there is ugly.
11/01 01:49:00 ChrisWhite|Work
DESCRIPTION="A GKrellM plugin that shows sunrise and sunset times."
11/01 01:49:02 ChrisWhite|Work
useless :p
11/01 01:49:10 hiyuh
11/01 01:49:13 nixnut
11/01 01:49:42 ChrisWhite|Work
I wonder how they find bugs in it
11/01 01:49:55 ChrisWhite|Work
stay up from 4AM onwards :P?
11/01 01:50:53 nixnut
or just download a list with the sunset/rise times for the next
couple of decades
11/01 01:54:19 hiyuh
"so where is that cool list? I really want to know sunset/rise
times!" j/k :P
11/01 01:55:41 ChrisWhite|Work
あるのかー!? :P
[Damn, what cool list!? :P]


(SH + FPGA(MAC, PHY) + RF_mod) / Linux, pthreads, Linkers & Loaders;

今度は続きでP4(仮称)をやる事になった. :>
しかもLinuxで動かす気満々な気配. :D
で,その明らかに誰も持っていないチップのデバドラは誰が書くんすか? :P
[So, I had been beaten by the project P3 since this summer, though.
Then, the project P4 comes, ZOMG. :>
My bosses plan to use our SH board w/ FPGA.
And implement MAC and PHY by using our so-called dot-eleven IP which
is written in VHDL, of course modularized RF part is mandatory.
And then that guys plan to use it w/ Linux, yay! :D
However, who can do code that device driver in spite of there's no one
who has that really rare custom chip? :P]

APIはPOSIXなので古くても問題無し,中身は何気に結構笑えるポイントがあってイイ感じ. :P
[BTW, I'm poking Pthreads w/ the O'reilly book
It looks like no problem b/c that API is POSIX-ed.
And that contents have bits of LOL. :P
I'd have to say these thingy needs to be well-documented.
OTOH, ricing has a bit of curios, I knew.]

んで,Linkers & Loadersも読んでいる.
elf(5)/ld(1)とかのmanページから始めるよりは楽しめると思う. :P
そう言えば,最近,PPC ASMでspammingをされたな. :P
[Well, Linkers & Loaders, I had.
If you're binarian-major, it's quite not worse stuff than man pages of elf(5)/ld(1). :P
BTW, why on the earth does he spam me w/ PPC ASM? :P]


GentooJP.NomiKai++; /* OSC2006 Fall */

と言う訳で,一日だけで800人くらい来ていたOSC2006 Fallでした. :)
[Wee, OSC2006 Fall were over.
We would have to thank organizers and 800~ OSS {free,} riders. :)
Here's my memo (only for Japanese) of that event, but it might include
my limbo/misremember, though.]

10/27 night
* #gentoo-jaで準備の話,NETGEARな24ポートHUBがデカすぎると言われる.
* 2005.xなままだったが,Armadillo-9を持って行く事にした.
* #gentoo-{ppc,bugs}で戯れる.
* 取り敢えず,一眠り.

10/28 early-morning
* 夜光性なのと遅刻の恐怖に勝てず熟睡出来ず.
* 仕方無いので,xynth-svn-20061027をsvn coして弄る.
* 更に,mercurialでxynth用レポジトリをでっちあげて,
strict-aliasing, signed/unsigned, PICを直す.

10/28 morning
* 大久保で迷子になるが,二番手で会場入り.
* Gentooポスターとかを止めるテープが無かった.
* HUBを鬼カスケード.
* Armadillo-9用のMicroDriveのファイルシステムがぶっ壊れていた.
* マイナスドライバーが無くて,Armadillo-230の中身が拝めず.
* Gentooバッグを購入,¥3150也.
* 配布するパンフはpress releaseのみでabout.xmlは無し.
* Plan9/Infernoえーなー.
* Exciteは何気に強敵.
* dev-libs/DirectFBとsys-fs/fusionのCVS snapshot ebuildをアップデート.
* プチ壊れたdev-libs/DirectFB関係のブツをrevdep-rebuild.
* Debianは不^H安定だと言うお客さん登場.
* Gentooはもっと不^H安定に出来ると自虐^H慢.

10/28 noon
* www-client/mozilla-firefox-2.0をunmask'n'emergeして放置.
* タイ料理屋で
+ スパムの話.
+ ファイルシステムの話.
+ ビデオカードの話.
+ デバイスドライバの話.

10/28 afternoon
* www-client/mozilla-firefox-2.0のemergeが終っていた,無事動作.
* 2006.1なCDもパンフも捌き終っていた.
* app-i18n/scim-anthy on x11-terms/xtermが
* KでFでUECな知人が来る.
* UでkokenでUECな知人が来る.
* 最新版ウダーを触る.

10/28 early-evening
* 片付け + 机と椅子の移動.
* コーヒーショップで
+ LDAP/HaskellなGentoo devsの話.
+ ebuildjp tree cleanerの話.
+ SOXとISOの話.
+ ADSLモデムと二色のUTPケーブルの話.
+ dev-util/{subversion,mercurial}の話.

10/28 evening
* 懇親会で,
+ ビール
+ コーラ
+ オレンジジュース
+ 青椒肉糸?
+ 春巻?
+ サラダ
+ ポテト
+ じゃんけん,主に本争奪の為.
+ 放置中のbugに関しての謝罪.

一番ショックだった事は,何故かdev-util/subversionが大人気な事. :P
[Bah, you guys really lovin' dev-util/subversion? :P]


NatsuYasumi, sys-apps/pkgcore, autotools hell, notepad++

10/21から10/29まで夏休み(!?)になりました. :P
[K, I've done t3h thingy.
So, I'll take a week off as summer vacation(!?). :P
Then, here's my TODO in that week.]

1) 2006.1 press releaseを訳す.
2) Xynth on Armadillo-9 w/ Gentoo
3) 実家に顔を出す.
[1) Translate 2006.1 press release to Japanese.
2) Xynth on Armadillo-9 w/ Gentoo
3) Homecoming]

[We have OSC at 10/28.
So 1) is critical, 2) is major, 3) is minor.]

[At #gentoo-dev-help, marienz said sys-apps/pkgcore is.]
10/18 01:31:17 hiyuh
!rdep yacc
10/18 01:31:18 jeeves
dev-util/yacc <- app-shells/ash dev-libs/tinyq dev-util/cdecl
mail-client/etpan-ng net-p2p/gtk-gnutella sys-fs/lde
10/18 01:31:35 hiyuh
!rdep bison
10/18 01:31:38 jeeves
yikes 30 pkgs reverse rdepend on bison! Try digging around here
instead. http://tinderbox.dev.gentoo.org/misc/rindex/
10/18 01:31:48 hiyuh
10/18 01:43:28 marienz
hiyuh: what are you trying to do? pquery from pkgcore lets you do
this kind of search restricted to a category or other things (although
it's a bit slower than jeeves since it doesn't have an index for it)
10/18 01:58:50 hiyuh
marienz: I'm thinking about virtual/yacc enhancement. in portage
tree, there're some YACCs. directly depends dev-util/aycc or so may
be OK, but sys-devel/bison is mandatory for sys-devel/gcc, IIRC. and
"bison -y" == "yacc".
10/18 02:00:37 marienz
hmm, don't know enough about that to help you
10/18 02:00:50 marienz
pquery --revdep dev-util/yacc --raw should give you a list of stuff
though :)
10/18 02:01:17 hiyuh
ok, thanks :)
10/18 02:18:46 hiyuh
marienz: argh, sys-apps/pkgcore is not ~ppc keyworded, isn't it so
arch depends? :(
10/18 02:19:02 marienz
hiyuh: it's pretty new. There's an extremely good chance it will
just work.
10/18 02:19:43 hiyuh
ok, i'll try.
10/18 02:19:54 marienz
hiyuh: (if it fails it'll fail in the c bits, which are fairly well
tested if you set FEATURES=test)
10/18 02:20:31 hiyuh
10/18 02:28:13 hiyuh
marienz: looks like "IT JUST WORKS (tm)" :)
10/18 02:28:32 marienz
hiyuh: yay, guess I should find a ppc arch team member at some point
to add that keyword
10/18 02:32:56 ChrisWhite|Work
I'd add it myself if I wasn't ppc (not ~ppc)
10/18 02:46:17 hiyuh
wow, pquery really rocks...
[At #gentoo-dev-help too, autotools beat _masterdriverz_.]
10/18 19:30:45 _masterdriverz_
a package im writing an ebuild for says it requires libxfree86,
which is a bit ambiguous
10/18 19:31:14 _masterdriverz_
is it x11-libs/libXxf86dga, x11-libs/libXxf86misc, x11-libs/libXxf86vm
or something else?
10/18 21:20:59 hiyuh
_masterdriverz_: on my system "locate xfree86" shows no
libxfree86.{so,a}, but x11-libs/libXxf86{dga,misc,vm} are
installed. so guess you need "something else".
10/18 21:21:30 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, i think its a debian/rpm package, but im not sure what its
gentoo name is
10/18 21:22:24 hiyuh
heh, btw what's that?
10/18 21:25:55 zzam
_masterdriverz_: it will require some libX11 and more I suspect -
if it is no very strange package
10/18 21:26:23 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, http://vision.eng.shu.ac.uk/mediawiki-1.4.10/index.php/Mimas
10/18 21:26:41 _masterdriverz_
zzam, ok thanks, looks like ill have to test and find out :(
10/18 21:27:54 zzam
_masterdriverz_: ignore the text from readme of the package and read
the text about modular-x-porting
10/18 21:29:13 zzam
the ebuild seems to have a long list in DEPEND :)
10/18 21:29:14 _masterdriverz_
zzam, will do, but the README is less than helpful - going through
configure.in shows it has loads of dependencies that it doesn't list
in the README :(
10/18 21:29:42 _masterdriverz_
zzam, err, what ebuild?
10/18 21:30:11 zzam
the one you are writing
10/18 21:30:18 _masterdriverz_
10/18 21:31:03 _masterdriverz_
you had me worried there - im supposed to be writing some unique
ebuilds in preparation for devship (yay!), and this one's taken me
ages :(
10/18 21:40:21 hiyuh
_masterdriverz_: heh, I guess to do "grep -e -lX configure" helps.
10/18 21:40:56 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, to be honest, i think its the least of my worries :(
10/18 21:41:26 _masterdriverz_
this package has tooo many automagic dependencies
10/18 21:41:43 _masterdriverz_
eg, just found it (might) use libdc1394, but it might not
10/18 21:42:08 hiyuh
yep, that's so-called autotools hell.
10/18 21:43:21 *
_masterdriverz_ senses a big patch for the Makefile, and a big smack
from his cluebat for the author :)
10/18 21:43:53 hiyuh
maybe, it requires libX{11,ext,mu,t,i}.
10/18 21:44:45 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, i think its xine actually
10/18 21:44:48 _masterdriverz_
10/18 21:44:59 _masterdriverz_
why can't people come up with sane names for packages?
10/18 21:46:20 hiyuh
beacause, we like ACRONYM? :P
10/18 21:47:04 _masterdriverz_
but libxfree86 is just sooo ambiguous its stupid
10/18 21:48:18 hiyuh
couldn't help, it's just histrical relic. :P
10/18 21:48:23 zzam
you also can just build it now and analyze the linkage of the binary
10/18 21:49:08 hiyuh
yep, if you have missing ones, linker will tell some missing symbols.
10/18 21:50:10 _masterdriverz_
zzam, haven't got that far yet *sigh*
10/18 21:50:31 _masterdriverz_
i think im gonna commit suicide before i finish src_compile :(
10/18 21:50:52 zzam
hiyuh: problem is: packages are installed and silently linked against
10/18 21:52:16 _masterdriverz_
"Please report bugs to jan@wedesoft.de" :)
10/18 21:52:24 hiyuh
if so, it needs runtime testing, though.
10/18 21:53:18 _masterdriverz_
there is not _one_ single instance of ./configure checking whether
i want the option disabled or not
10/18 21:55:49 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, zzam, either of you got an example of a decent configure
script so i can work out how to patch it correctly?
10/18 21:56:12 zzam
autoconf is crazy
10/18 22:01:24 _masterdriverz_
err, not the answer i was looking for
10/18 22:01:27 hiyuh
zzam: agreed.
10/18 22:03:51 hiyuh
_masterdriverz_: IIRC, dev-manual tells bit of autotools detail.
10/18 22:04:06 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, thanks
10/18 22:04:10 hiyuh
そして,Windows上でMercurialのデフォルトのエディタはnotepadになりました. :P
[Default editor for Mercurial on Windows should be notepad. :P]
[PATCH] Default editor for Windows installer is now notepad. [Issue 256]
Re: [PATCH] Default editor for Windows installer is now notepad. [Issue 256]


NoDocument > BrokenDocument

[A snippet log from #gentoo-dev-help.]
10/11 20:43:24 sheldonh
it looks like ebuilds in PORTDIR_OVERLAY look for FILESDIR in the
main portage tree instead of the overlay?
10/11 20:44:13 sheldonh
surely i'm wrong? it would mean overlays are effectively a fat waste
of time for all but trivial ebuilds
10/11 20:48:28 sheldonh
hmmm, good, i'm wrong
10/11 20:50:24 sheldonh
what things should i look for when epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV} picks
up some patches but not others?
10/11 20:58:27 hiyuh
10/11 20:59:20 sheldonh
openal's src_unpack() does an epatch ${FILESDIR}/{$PV}
10/11 20:59:25 hiyuh
"man 5 ebuild" is your friend, see its env var section.
10/11 21:00:45 hiyuh
$FILESDIR is the overlay's Category/PackageName/files directory,
if its ebuild is in your overlay.
10/11 21:01:32 hiyuh
and then, ${PV} is the package's version
10/11 21:01:47 sheldonh
dude, i so understand this shit :)
10/11 21:01:59 hiyuh
k, good luck :P
10/11 21:02:05 sheldonh
the point is, i'm adding a patch and src_unpack() isn't applying it
10/11 21:03:03 sheldonh
the directory already contains 002_all_alc_context.patch,
002_all_alsa_default.patch and 003_all_mmx.patch
10/11 21:03:32 sheldonh
i'm adding 004_pkgconfig.patch (for bug #150872) and src_unpack()
isn't applying it, and isn't telling me why :)
10/11 21:03:45 sheldonh
hence the question "what things should i look for when epatch
${FILESDIR}/${PV} picks up some patches but not others?"
10/11 21:05:04 hiyuh
hmm, re-digest cann't help?
10/11 21:06:11 hiyuh
or, specify all patches explicitly is a ugly work-around way, IMHO.
10/11 21:06:33 sheldonh
sure, i could uglify it
10/11 21:07:13 sheldonh
but given how !#$%#$ long it takes devs to commit stuff as it is,
uglifying contributions isn't a great way to go
10/11 21:07:23 sheldonh
since that discourages them from commiting
10/11 21:10:40 hiyuh
sheldonh: hmm, could you mind to do pastebin/rafb your patch?
10/11 21:12:16 hiyuh
and then, your patch's suffix is really "patch" as speficied by
10/11 21:12:37 sheldonh
hiyuh: yes
10/11 21:13:24 sheldonh
hiyuh: http://phpfi.com/162471
10/11 21:16:05 sheldonh
hiyuh: and yes, the patch is in Manifest after a fresh ebuild
... digest :)
10/11 21:18:51 sheldonh
i think i might just give up, actually
10/11 21:19:05 sheldonh
it's been a long day, and i'm now pretty sure this is just portage
being stupid
10/11 21:19:36 hiyuh
ah, it should be "004_all_pkgconfig.patch".
10/11 21:21:11 sheldonh
what's the magic _all_ about?
10/11 21:23:26 sheldonh
hiyuh: ah. apparently undocumented arch-dependent patch feature
10/11 21:23:27 sheldonh
10/11 21:23:37 sheldonh
hiyuh: thanks, wouldn't have noticed, i don't think
10/11 21:23:47 hiyuh
10/11 21:24:12 hiyuh
was already documented. :p
10/11 21:24:45 sheldonh
sure, everything is documented _somewhere_
10/11 21:25:23 hiyuh
yeah, and sources will always be with you :P
10/11 21:27:41 *
sheldonh murders hiyuh
10/11 21:27:43 sheldonh
10/11 21:28:09 sheldonh
hiyuh: it's that old thing of "no documentation is better than broken
documentation" :)
10/11 21:28:45 hiyuh
うへ,殺されちった. :P
[Aww, I forgot to revive myself. :P]

"O RLY?" == "MAJI DE?"

[A snippet log from #gentoo-ppc@FreeNode.net]
10/10 23:20:50 kojiro
I seem to be having trouble emerging tetex-2.0.2-r8
10/10 23:21:01 kojiro
I'm pastebinning the errors now
10/10 23:23:18 kojiro
10/10 23:24:05 kojiro
It does seem to have something to do with libwww, but in bugzie the
fix seems to be to set USE=-mysql. I already have that set.
10/10 23:25:47 Jokey
kojiro: hrm is the lib available in the searchpath specified by -L
parameters on the line?
10/10 23:26:44 hiyuh
hmm, libwwwdir.so doesn't exist?
10/10 23:26:47 kojiro
-L/usr/lib -lwwwinit -lwwwapp -lwwwxml -lxmltok ... etc -- you
mean that?
10/10 23:26:55 kojiro
lemme see if it's in /usr/lib
10/10 23:27:23 Jokey
right :)
10/10 23:27:30 kojiro
10/10 23:27:44 kojiro
libwwwEVERYTHING except libwww
10/10 23:28:08 kojiro
hmm, how can I fix that, remerge libwww and hope it works the
second time?
10/10 23:28:50 Jokey
emerge libwww and see where it stores it's lib
10/10 23:29:03 jrsharp
has anyone else here experienced problems (hard lockups) with
yenta-socket in 2.6.13 and newer kernels?
10/10 23:29:06 kojiro
would an equery f libwww help?
10/10 23:29:14 Jokey
kojiro: yup
10/10 23:29:25 Jokey
I bet it's in lib64
10/10 23:29:38 hiyuh
kojiro: "equery belongs /usr/lib/libwwwdir.so" said net-libs/libwww
10/10 23:30:10 kojiro
I don't have a /usr/lib/libwwwdir.so
10/10 23:30:39 hiyuh
guess a multilib mess...
10/10 23:30:47 Jokey
might be possible ;)
10/10 23:31:14 kojiro
yeah, maybe a rebuild will fix it. I'll --sync && update world,
then try again
10/10 23:31:27 hiyuh
good luck :P
10/10 23:31:31 kojiro
10/10 23:31:49 kojiro
I mean arigato :)
10/10 23:32:03 Jokey
hmm german_conspiracy++ :D
10/10 23:32:09 hiyuh
nice japanese :)
10/10 23:32:49 kojiro
meh. English/US conspiracy == attempt to make English unrecognizable
in wr1tt3n f0rmz0r
10/10 23:33:14 kojiro
german_conspiracy == attempt to insert innocuous German into said
pseudo-English :)
10/10 23:33:23 hiyuh
10/10 23:33:49 kojiro
Japanese_conspiracy == attempt to say the word "fork" in less than
three syllables :P
10/10 23:33:52 *
kojiro runs
10/10 23:34:08 hiyuh

10/10 23:40:31 ChrisWhite|Work
oh no
10/10 23:40:38 ChrisWhite|Work
kojiro and hiyuh in the same place
10/10 23:40:41 ChrisWhite|Work
I'm gonna get confused
10/10 23:41:05 hiyuh
ChrisWhite|Work: work! :P
10/10 23:41:09 kojiro
hmm, how do you say ORLY in Japanese/romaji?
10/10 23:41:13 kojiro
10/10 23:41:43 hiyuh
guess "MAJI DE?"
10/10 23:42:06 ChrisWhite|Work
yah, that'd be the closest
net-libs/libwwwのbugの話だったのに思いっきり脱線,面白過ぎる. :D
[That talking would be about net-libs/libwww stuff,
but it wasn't being, LOL. :D]



ついに来た! :P
[K, YTMND! :P]
Project of Binding Kuru-Hime

故に,この世は{逝,生}き難い. :P
[BTW, my hobbies' karma oriented minor one.
If it grows up as major one, my karma deems it dismal.
Thus, that's why on the earth a bit of hard way. :P]


ConvertXML("about.xml", LaTeX);

TeXででっちあげてみた. :P
[Using TeX, here's a sample of handout for OSC2006-fall
from about.xml. :P
It looks like just A4 sized.]


TDS, stress_test + mudflap

[Today's diffstat.]
 Makefile                 |   83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
include/chromatic_func.h | 2 -
include/graph_func.h | 2 +
include/graphpol_func.h | 2 -
src/chromatic_func.c | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
src/chromatic_main.c | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------
src/graph_func.c | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
src/graphpol_func.c | 13 +++----
src/list_func.c | 45 ++++++-------------------
src/planar_func.c | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
src/planar_main.c | 37 +++++++++++---------
11 files changed, 302 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)

debug stub, stress testの追加.
及び,pointer access化でenbugしたviolationをmudflapでdebug'n'fix.
[Added debug stubs and steress test rules.
And then, for debug'n'fix enbugging due to pointer accessing,
added violation detection rules w/ mudflap.]

Mudflap Pointer Debugging - GCC Wiki

と言うか,CFLAGSとかが凄い事になってるなー. :P
[When use mudflap-enabled binary, it makes its runtime speed
awful^H^H^H^H bit of slow.
So, disabled mudflap and do ton of stress test.
Then, collecting some SIGSEGV pattern, do it w/ mudflap enabled binary.
This way would be awesome for my laziness.
BTW, the CFLAGS or so looks like a bit of rice-flavor! :P]
# Build options
#OPT_CFLAGS += -mcpu=G4 -mtune=G4 -maltivec -mabi=altivec
#F_CFLAGS += -funroll-all-loops -ftree-vectorize -ftracer -fweb
#F_CFLAGS += -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-all
#F_CFLAGS += -fmudflap
F_CFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer
W_CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror
#G_CFLAGS = -g
#G_CFLAGS = -pg -g -ggdb3

#AN_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-O3,--as-needed

INCs = -I./include
DEFs += -DDRAW=1
LIBs = -lc
#LIBs = -lmudflap -lc


TDS, hotplug2 fix, my bugs

[Here's today's diffstat.]
 include/graph_func.h    |   10 -
include/graphpol_func.h | 18 +-
include/list_func.h | 26 +--
src/chromatic_algosC.c | 4
src/chromatic_func.c | 28 ++-
src/chromatic_main.c | 27 ++-
src/graph_func.c | 193 ++++++++++++-------------
src/graphpol_func.c | 215 ++++++++++++----------------
src/list_func.c | 360 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
src/planar_func.c | 104 ++++++++-----
src/planar_main.c | 31 ++--
11 files changed, 512 insertions(+), 504 deletions(-)
具体的には,call by valueになっている所を悉くpointer access化している最中.
可変長の多次元配列をpackingしてcall by valueする所をpointer accessにすると,
結構早くなるみたい. :P
[Yep, it looks like code rewrite.
According to physical SLOC, only +8 lines.
I'm poking it to make all funcs pointer accessing,
instead of dumb packed variadic n-th array call-by-value.
It looks like easy a way to bit of more "rice"-ing. :P]

昨日の夜中,hotplug2の怪しげなwarningが修正されました. :)
[Last night, a warning of hotplug2 was fixed. :)]
9/26 22:58:08 hiyuh
iSteve: still alive?
9/26 23:02:17 hiyuh
iSteve: jsut curious, why BITS_PER_LONG was
re-defined? http://rafb.net/paste/results/gerSBr30.html

9/27 00:31:01 iSteve
hiyuh: sorry, took short map
9/27 00:31:39 iSteve
hiyuh: interesting; in my kernel headers, and those I use for testing
of 2.4, bits_per_long is defined in /usr/include/asm-[arch]/types.h,
and only if __KERNEL__ is set
9/27 00:31:44 iSteve
^ s/map/nap/
9/27 00:32:30 iSteve
hiyuh: I'll ifndef it then
9/27 00:32:45 iSteve
hiyuh: may I ask what version the kernel headers used are?
9/27 00:33:52 hiyuh
iSteve: I use sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.16 on Gentoo/PPC.
9/27 00:34:38 iSteve
ah, that could be it, I didn't test it at all on non-x86
architectures; I only tested whether the input is the same as on x86
(tried amd64 and sparc)
9/27 00:36:04 iSteve
fixed in SVN
9/27 00:36:17 hiyuh
iSteve: thanks :)
9/27 00:36:27 iSteve
I thank you:)
[And then, x11-apps/slim version bump to 1.2.6
w/ build-time LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed".
But not sure whether it's correctness for runtime, though.]
Bug #107526 Comment #61

GHDL 0.25がビルド出来た. :)
[New GNAT provide virtual/gnat-4.1 SLOT.
It can build GHDL 0.25, yum-yum. :)]
Bug #83877 Comment #c32


TDS, hotplug2

[Here is today's my diffstat.]
 Makefile                 |    8 
include/chromatic_func.h | 2
include/graph_func.h | 59 +++---
include/graphpol_func.h | 47 ++--
include/list_func.h | 48 +++--
include/planar_func.h | 6
src/chromatic_algosC.c | 16 -
src/chromatic_func.c | 20 +-
src/chromatic_main.c | 51 +++--
src/graph_func.c | 449 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
src/graphpol_func.c | 52 ++---
src/list_func.c | 71 +++----
src/planar_func.c | 151 ++++++++-------
src/planar_main.c | 29 +--
14 files changed, 527 insertions(+), 482 deletions(-)

[Snippet log of #uclibc@FreeNode.net.]
9/26 19:19:55 iSteve
9/26 19:20:16 iSteve
although neither busybox nor uclibc, this might be interesting for
some of you: http://isteve.depressant.org/hotplug2/
9/26 19:34:41 hiyuh_work
nice :)
9/26 19:45:39 iSteve
hiyuh_work: thanks, I'm hoping it won't end up as one-user
9/26 19:47:34 hiyuh_work
iSteve: lol
9/26 21:04:59 iSteve
well the risk is high:)
-Osでstrip -sすると,ppc-glibc上だとこんな感じ.
[K, I've poke it w/ -Os + "strip -s".
On ppc-glibc,]
-rwxr-xr-x 1 hiyuh users  22K 2006-09-26 23:06 hotplug2
-rwxr-xr-x 1 hiyuh users 12K 2006-09-26 23:06 hotplug2-dnode
うむ,なかなかイイ. :P
[Oh well, yum-yum. :P]

floatzip, a confined owl

[Snippet log form #ggi@FreeNode.net.]
9/25 20:04:33 MooZ
9/25 20:06:45 hiyuh_work
MooZ: heh, is it your paper? :9
9/25 20:12:07 MooZ
9/25 20:12:29 MooZ
but i found it's a cool one
9/25 20:14:21 MooZ
maybe it can be used to compress rgbe and other hdri

"O RLY?" -> "YA RLY!" -> "NO WAI!" -> "Quite RLY..."で,
[There is a phrase combo,
"O RLY?" -> "YA RLY!" -> "NO WAI!" -> "Quite RLY..." going around.
It reminds me this owl stuff.
I found it again.
Tower, a confined owl
"Say, no less the empty coffin would be in the vanguard of gray woods.
However, that already had been stuffed with empty ones."]


On {Satur,Sun}day w/ My Gentoo

「revdep-rebuildを実行 -> 終了する前に寝落ち」を繰り返してた. :P
取り敢えず,Xynth on Gentoo/uClibc w/ Armadillo-9かな?
[Well, I would make my gentoo recently ~ppc env
and do someting on this saturday and sunday, though.
open{ssl,ssh}, gnutls, poppler libs has a bit of breakages,
then I did "revdep-rebuild -> Zzz" routine repeatedly. :P
Finally, I've made my gentoo recent ~ppc env
but it's not more or less.
Hmm, should I prepare something for OSC?
Well, I have plan to get 5 day time as summer(!?) vacation
in October.
So, can I poke "Xynth on Gentoo/uClibc w/ Armadillo-9" or so?]

Chris Whiteの兄貴に教えてもらった. :D
[Yay, Chris White bro shows me funny bug report. :D]
Bug #148844

んで,今,UTC 19:00よりGentoo/PPCのエラいdev達が
IRC meetingするっぽいのだけれど,それってJST 4:00なのですが,
/joinしといて,無理っぽかったら寝ますかね. :P
[BTW, now, Gentoo PPC Meeting start at UTC 19:00.
It means at JST 4:00.
Umm, could I join it to get the log and sleep? :P]


a hardware thingy, dev-db/sqlite

メモメモ. :9
[Memorized for myself.]

SQLite home pageを見るとそうでもないらしい.
あと,gentoo-embedded MLでvapierが
と言っていた事を思い出したので我慢してみる事にした. :P
[Today, I found dev-db/sqlite dep as a USE of app-portage/eix.
My G4 lappy is not DB server, so to make /var stuff sane
I won't to enable it like USE="-sqlite".
But according to "About SQLite" of SQLite home page,
it doesn't do that.
And then, a post of gentoo-embedded ML like vapier said,
"SQLite on uClibc is OK"
So, I'll do it. :P]

取り敢えず,無駄にlocal overlayに3.3.6なebuildを持ってきて
strict aliasing等をムニャヘニャした後,
[First, pulled 3.3.6 offcial ebuild was pulled in my local overlay.
Then, bump it to upstream newest 3.3.7 and sanitizing strict aliasings or so.
Finally, I emerge app-portage/eix w/ USE="sqlite", it looks like fine.
Compact code makes my emerging time faster than bloat ones'.
to use it as a SQL lib is worth to consider, IMHO.]

修正: タイポ :P
[FIX: typos. :P]


A RefOfWebServ, RTFM, monolithic X

メモメモ. :9
[Hmm, it's worth to memorize.]
nweb: a tiny, safe Web server (static pages only)

[A unrelated talking on #gentoo-embedded@FreeNode.net.]
9/14 20:12:15 kolla
Hm... I get "WARNING: usage of RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM is deprecated,
use PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS instead" when I sync, but I cant find
9/14 20:15:00 kolla
google helps though
9/14 20:21:56 *
hiyuh_work cann't understand why on the earth didn't read the fine
9/14 20:33:17 kolla
I'm not from this planet :)
9/14 20:35:55 hiyuh_work
then, that's OK. :P
9/14 20:36:20 *
theBear comes from planet Australia.. things are different there
9/14 20:54:59 kolla
ついにモノリシックなXに粛正が! :P
[K, abandon monolithic X! :P.
To migrate it is recommend ASAP.]
Monolithic X no longer supported



おー,Pythonすげー. :)
[Oh, Python rocks. :)]
A Python benchmarks on Gentoo
あー,Haskellもすげー. :(
[Umm, Haskell would be better? :(]
A Haskell GHC benchmarks on Gentoo

[Here's a today's #gentoo-bugs@FreeNode.net talking.]
9/13 22:45:00 jeeves
[New Bug] https://bugs.gentoo.org/147451 nor, P2, x86,
duncan-bugs@dwebb.ch-bug-wranglers@gentoo.org, NEW, pending, glibc
all recent versions: can't find a register in class `BREG' while
reloading `asm'
9/13 22:45:17 DrEeevil
hardened I guess?
9/13 22:45:23 jakub
9/13 22:45:48 jakub
9/13 22:45:55 jakub
we don't care, upgrade first
9/13 22:46:53 DrEeevil
argh :-)
9/13 22:48:07 hiyuh_work
ah, thank gods... -ffast-math + -fPIC...
9/13 22:48:23 jakub
ugh, didn't notice that
9/13 22:48:32 DrEeevil
9/13 22:48:39 DrEeevil
is that a contest? most bugs per line?
9/13 22:48:59 hiyuh_work
nice, very nice trying...
9/13 22:49:12 jakub
probably -fPIC to blame
9/13 22:49:19 jakub
anyway, don't care about 3.3 stuff
9/13 22:49:28 hiyuh_work
教訓: 変なCFLAGSを使わない事.
[L: Don't use any dumb CFLAGS.]

はやいトコ,JUST WORKS (tm)を目指す. :P
[K, I've done first draft of base code pokings.
I'll make it JUST WORKS(tm), ASAP. :P]


FSF will do prop-up DRI?

nouveauとか,まだちょっかい出せる領域にいるなー. :P
[Well, I forgot to memorized.
Umm, nouveau can be enough to be poked, or? :P]
A post form FSF to dri-devel ML

How about your gcc[4][1][1].karma?

gcc-4.1.1関連のバグ報告がイイ感じだ. :P
[Umm, TBH, these're not what I could expect.
The bugs which related gcc bumps to >=4.1.1 really rock. :P]
9/12 19:38:01 jakub
!rdep xfractint
9/12 19:38:01 jeeves
no reverse rdepends info for xfractint
9/12 19:38:14 DrEeevil
leave that alone ;-)
9/12 19:38:23 DrEeevil
(but it rarely worked well)

9/12 20:26:10 Opfer
jakub: ping
9/12 20:26:23 Opfer
jakub: still need help on bug 147158
9/12 20:26:24 jeeves
Opfer: https://bugs.gentoo.org/147158 maj, P2, x86,
mrsteven@gmx.de-spock@gentoo.org, NEW, pending,
=x11-misc/xfractint-20.4.00 doesn't compile
9/12 20:26:27 Opfer
9/12 20:27:43 jakub
Opfer: well, if you have ppc? :)
9/12 20:27:53 jakub
or sparc
9/12 20:27:59 jakub
amd64 - not reproducable
9/12 20:28:13 Opfer
You cced x86, so I thought you need additional testing
9/12 20:28:20 Opfer
I can reproduce it.
9/12 20:28:37 jakub
Opfer: well... yeah, I CCed x86 b/c it looks like a weird x86-specific
issue :)
9/12 20:28:45 Opfer
9/12 20:28:50 jakub
the other one as well non-reproducable on amd64, starts normally
9/12 20:29:50 Opfer
.03 seems to emerge fine though
9/12 20:29:56 jakub
yeah, but doesn't run
9/12 20:30:07 Opfer
Oh yes, the other bug
9/12 20:30:22 jakub
and, weirdly enough, it runs on amd64 just fine
9/12 20:30:47 jakub
doesn't make much sense to me
9/12 20:31:02 Opfer
Did you nag the other arches?
9/12 20:33:37 jakub
Opfer: well, just managed to get some amd64 folk so far :)

9/12 20:33:42 hiyuh_work
hmm, it needs to test on ppc?
9/12 20:33:54 jakub
if you can, yes please
9/12 20:34:22 hiyuh_work
k, I'll try :)
9/12 20:34:33 jakub
emerge =x11-misc/xfractint-20.4.00 and see if it bombs out on segfault
right at start of compile
9/12 20:34:45 jakub
and then the latest ~arch and test if you can run it
9/12 20:35:11 Opfer
jakub: Reproducable, but ni idea how to avoid it...
9/12 20:35:24 jakub
hiyuh_work: mind that you need to re-login or run env-update &&
source /etc/profile for the second one
9/12 20:36:13 jakub
hiyuh_work: i.e., be some you have FRACTDIR=/usr/share/xfractint
variable set
9/12 20:36:25 jakub
Opfer: yeah, NFC really
9/12 20:36:32 zlin
happens to me too
9/12 20:36:51 jakub
Opfer: I looks at the patches, and there's nothing that strikes me
as apparently related
9/12 20:36:54 Opfer
jakub: There is a .04
9/12 20:36:56 jakub
9/12 20:36:59 jakub
9/12 20:37:03 Opfer
9/12 20:37:27 jakub
hmmm, worth a shot

9/12 20:41:44 hiyuh_work
jakub: on my ~ppc env, emerge =x11-misc/xfractint-20.4.00 is fine.
9/12 20:41:49 hiyuh_work
and it just works (I did FRACTDIR=/usr/share/xfactint
/usr/bin/xfractint), it can shows me a fractal graphic.
9/12 20:42:10 jakub
9/12 20:42:22 jakub
hiyuh_work: please, can you note that on the bug? :)
9/12 20:42:50 jakub
(or, better on both bugs)
9/12 20:43:05 hiyuh_work
well, to reproduse it requires ricer cflags? :P
9/12 20:43:34 hiyuh_work
I'm using -Os + altivec flags, atm.
9/12 20:44:33 jakub
uhm? I thought it worked just fine for you
9/12 20:44:41 jakub
or, you can reproduce it as well?
9/12 20:46:51 hiyuh_work
nope, it works here. I cann't reproduce the segfault w/ 29.4.00.
9/12 20:47:07 hiyuh_work
9/12 20:47:24 jakub
oh ok... then just note that it works fine on ppc :)
9/12 20:50:26 hiyuh_work
uhm, but it has ton of strict-aliasing warnings, *ugly*.
9/12 20:50:31 hiyuh_work
if it was emerged w/ ricer flags, some runtime segfaults could be,
I guess.
9/12 20:50:57 hiyuh_work
but yes, it's unrelated that bug.
9/12 20:55:01 hiyuh_work
jakub: so, note it on bug 147158, or?
9/12 20:55:02 jeeves
hiyuh_work: https://bugs.gentoo.org/147158 maj, P2,
x86, mrsteven@gmx.de-spock@gentoo.org, NEW, pending,
=x11-misc/xfractint-20.4.00 doesn't compile
9/12 20:55:10 jakub
9/12 20:55:13 hiyuh_work

9/12 20:56:18 jakub
Opfer: ok, updated the patch and trying .04 now
9/12 20:57:05 jakub
Opfer: ugh
9/12 20:57:14 jakub
bombs out in a horrible way
9/12 20:57:35 jakub
looks like completely broken includes
9/12 21:00:02 jakub
oh wonderful, they are all commented out and assumed later on

9/12 21:02:13 hiyuh_work
jakub: aww, xfractint-20.4.00 has runtime segfaults. It BOOMed when
I commented on that bug report. :P
9/12 21:03:14 jakub
hiyuh_work: wonderful... well, that thing is just plain borked,
should never have been stable
9/12 21:03:26 DrEeevil
9/12 21:03:29 jakub
.04 is not a solution, it bombs out in a horrible way
9/12 21:04:20 jakub
hiyuh_work: just for fun, this is what I get when trying to compile
.04: http://rafb.net/paste/results/X7ORUQ31.html
9/12 21:05:02 hiyuh_work
blah :P
9/12 21:05:19 Opfer
Jakub: Let's put it back where it belongs...
9/12 21:05:35 jakub
Opfer: package.mask? :P

9/12 21:06:00 hiyuh_work
well, I'm trying to re-emerge it w/ -fno-strict-aliasing, atm.
9/12 21:06:37 jakub
wow, this is a wonderful version bump, go break lots more stuff
9/12 21:06:39 jakub
9/12 21:07:17 jakub
has someone upstream tried to compile even before releasing? O_O
9/12 21:07:30 DrEeevil
jakub: win32 most likely
9/12 21:07:36 Opfer
.04 seems to be a development version...
9/12 21:08:16 jakub
well, it's borked... not really keen on fixing all those includes,
I'm pretty sure there will be more after fixing common/hc.c
9/12 21:09:23 hiyuh_work
ugh, I got segfaults, even if appended -fno-strict-aliasing. :P
9/12 21:10:40 jakub
blah, crap
9/12 21:10:46 Opfer
So the list of things having to need to die is getting longer...
9/12 21:11:45 *
hiyuh_work is doing "emerge -C x11-misc/xfractint".
9/12 21:12:13 DrEeevil
one reason more to have an automated build-all
9/12 21:13:24 jakub

9/12 21:14:08 hiyuh_work
jakub: then, should I note about that runtime segfaults, or?
9/12 21:15:02 jakub
hiyuh_work: probably the other bug is more fix
9/12 21:15:08 jakub
it's linked there
9/12 21:15:30 jakub
s/fix/fit/ damn it
9/12 21:15:51 jakub
hiyuh_work: Bug 147030
9/12 21:15:51 jeeves
jakub: https://bugs.gentoo.org/147030 nor, P2, All,
mail@lutz-uwe-lehmann.de-spock@gentoo.org, NEW, pending,
xfractint-20.4.03 segfaults as user but runs as root (permissions
not set properly on /usr/share/xfractint/*)
9/12 21:17:53 hiyuh_work
umm, it related permission?
9/12 21:18:59 jakub
hiyuh_work: nfc
9/12 21:19:10 jakub
blubb claim that it works on amd64
9/12 21:19:18 jakub
it bombs out straigh on x86
9/12 21:19:32 jakub
and it works for some time and then dies on ppc?
9/12 21:19:39 jakub
jesus, this in junk
9/12 21:21:12 hiyuh_work
yeah, I could see some graphics. but if I poked somthing, then it
got segfaults *sometimes*.
9/12 21:22:05 jakub
well, this thing should have the stable keywords dropped, not
9/12 21:22:19 hiyuh_work

修正: 不正な文法. :P (gcc[4.1.1] -> gcc[4][1][1])
[FIX: invalid syntax. :P (gcc[4.1.1] -> gcc[4][1][1])]


a comment, time(len(s.m, y.n)) >= 5*H

いやはや,こう言うコメントがあるからbugzillaはやめられんね. :P
[Yum, like this comments sounds kinda like. :P]
Bug #126400 Comment #22

ま,移動時間の半分は寝てたがな. :P
うへ,御尤も. :(
[Today, I have a little business trip to make it clearly
as unclearly/subtle spec was, from our home S-pref-M to a Y&N.
Well, it took 5 hours by train, and the meeting is over less
than 1 hour, though.
Hmm, I had kind of sleeping time where in the train, though. :P
Um, OK, the spec is made clearly now, thus
"K, I'm ready to code it harder."
But, my bosses said,
"WAIT, DO DOCUMENTATION before do it, please."
Right, it makes sense. :(]

修正:不正な文法. :P (5H -> 5*H)
[FIX: syntax invalids :P (5H -> 5*H)]


The thread really rocks!

あぶねー,flameと勘違いされる所だった. :P
[OK, there is no misunderstanding.
No more flame, plz. :P]
a last my post of dwm ML


Oh my MeGane!

眼鏡が壊れた... :(
違和感,半端無い. :P
[Ugh, my eyeglasses b0rked... :(
Yes, I knew it's really tatty, though.
When I was going to go to my office,
the nose-touched left-side one aparted.
Umm, I cann't see anything w/o my eyeglasses,
I'm force myself to use b0rked one, though.
But, yeah, it makes me really uncomfortable feeling. :P]


{gnat-,}gcc-4.1.x, sudo makes me LOL

[K, it's fully prepared to try ricing ghdl w/ gnat-gcc-4.1.1.]
Bug #130509 Comment #14

検索してから新たなバグ報告を御願いします. :D
[2006.1 release allow to use gcc-4.1.x SLOT as stable.
But, yes, -bugs receives some gcc-4.1.x related buggy thingy.
Some dupe posts will make jakub to be really upset.
So, please, please, please, search your issue before file it, plz. :D
FYI, you can see some gcc-4.1.x bugs at these tracker.]
Bug #117482
Bug #140707

やはりsudoさんは最強ですなー. :D
[BTW, check this one.
Oh-Kay, sudo really rocks! :D]


WillOfNetBSD, EnglishML.subscr(!Native)?

ま,同時に,こっちのブツの話題も上がっていたがな! :P
で,drobbins様々は帰ってきますよ,New Developerで.
[This post in /.-jp.
Hmm, IIRC, it was talking by lennert or other guys in #ep93xx@FreeNode.net.
I have long time no see *BSD stuffs, though.
Well, but, umm, I prefered other topic rather than talking about this. :P
And then, Sir drobbins will be back as a New Developer.]

そこ,「開き直りやがった」とか言わない事. :P
[And, this post.
To hesitate of "But I was not sure..." is many time seen.
And yes, what others couldn't understatd what I was saying is too sad.
Good english always gives many advantages, ATM.
But, if we have only good eng"r"ish doesn't gives any disadvantages, ATM.
Duh? Good/Bad english is completely unrelated what we want talking about,
at least it doesn't directly affect.
Hey, please don't say "guessed it's a bluff". :P]

[FIX: some typos.]

A screenshot of net-p2p/ctorrent

[Cool looks CUI,
it download .torrent thingy,
then it grows up to seed. :P]


Code Audit, OSC, a DirectFB ML post

変更なんてやらないで...御願いします... :(
[I had poking the BCB ones which was maintained my boss.
Umm, ATM, we have only daily snapshots though,
but it was poked w/ only 1 line ChangeLog w/o any comments.
Blah, no more crazy change w/o documentation if it's ovbious...
Please, I have not so quite coding skill... :(
Hmm, we definitely needs to use SCM.
Otherwise, we'll choke ourself by unmaintain code stuffs.]

動作実績はあるけど,何か気に食わない... :(
[Then, I also do audit some previous Linux stuffs for its project.
Hmm, some delicous global vars are, scattered signal handlers are,
nice magic numbers are stuffed.
It jusr works, but well, umm a bit of subtle thigy... :(]

Gentoo JP misc MLでOSC 2006 Tokyo/Fallについてのスレッドが動く.
しかし,Kalinも仕事でハマっていたとは. :P
[A thread of Gentoo JP misc ML about OSC 2006 Tokyo/Fall moves.
When it's at the end of Oct, the project would be finished, though.
I'm not official dev, so I have no right to mention about Gentoo thigs.
Of cource, I have many junky non-x86 boxes,
but Alpha/SPARC boxes are not potable ones,
and it's hard to bring/bring back it.
Hmm, sonds like to get Gentoo bottons distrubuted
(as fee free?) some users (or candidates?) is not quite difficult, though.
BTW, it's not quite bad to hear Kalin was choked his job. :P]

或るGentooユーザーのDirectFB users MLでの投稿.
USE flagsをきちんと設定して,且つ必要な設定ファイルを書いて,
みたいな返信しておいた. :P
[A post of DirectFB users ML from a Gentoo user is.
It sounds like not suit upstream ML, so I've replayed like
"Why didn't you use official ebuild?"
Then, he directly replayed me like,
"The reason is my Matrox card didn't get woking w/ gentoo's."
Like someone always said,
"make it no crazy CFLAGS, check the difference of config result of
strayed build and getoo's to set sane USE flags or so,
write config files w/ reading fine manuals.
Then, if it still didn't work, file it Gentoo's bugzie.
I'm OK to hang on. :P"]



[Well, this?
Isn't it worth to note, or...]
gentoojp-users 1219

[Hmm, sleepy, nite...]

Memo4OldRedHat, kde-base/kttsd

で,過去のRedHat9 kernel 2.4.x時のセットアップのメモを読んでみた.
予想はしていたけれど,rpm直叩きの上に,一部野良ビルドかよ... :P
[Hmm, Geode still sucks PCMCIA stuffs.
I've summrized about it, and emailed my bosses.
Then, I've skimed old setup memo for RedHat9 w/ kernel 2.4.x, though.
Bleh, that's really horrible combo of "direct rpm command" and
"straied configure && make && make install"...
But, that's I expected, though. :P
Tomorrow, I'll restart my coding instead of poking that junky Geode.]

あー,知らんぜー. :P
I was asked about kde-base/kttsd development status of japanese support.
He said that he couldn't understand japanese text, so couldn't find any info.
I've skimed by uisng google.co.jp, but it shows me only mirror index,
or old jap dev diary's entries or so.
TTTT, I havo no KDE stuff, thus it's no matter for me.
But, when KDE had many b0rked japanese support,
the upstream abandoned to release w/ japanese support, IIRC.
Well, please no blame me, it's not my fault, duh? :P]


IRQ confliction hell

Frame Bufferを整理したら,gxfbは動くがgx1fbは動かないっぽい.
前者は(Experimental)で,後者は(Very Experimental)らしい.
更に,CFのmulti mode by defaultは動いたが,
use DMA when availableだと動かないっぽい.
[Hmm, I was poking kernel's .config and BIOS stuffs.
Well, that dumb BIOS sucks because it couldn't do sane mem checking,
I realized it is 256MB, but only available 128MB, though.
And then, (Experimental) gxfb just works, but (Very Experimental) gx1fb
doesn't workd, WTF...
CF can use multi mode by default, but couldn't use DMA when available, NFC...]

で,802.11a/b/gなWireless LANカードを突っ込んだ所,
USB1.1 OHCIなブツとPCMCIAカードバスのIRQがconflictしてる... :(
TIのPCI1410と言う16bit legacyなchipの所為っぽい.
コイツが動いてくれないと,ひじょーにマズいぜよ. :P
[Then, when I stab 802.11a/b/g wireless LAN card,
USB1.1 OHCI anf PCMCIA card bus got IRQ confliction... :(
TI PCI1410, 16bit legacy chipe needs to die.
PCMCIA stuffs make me mess, there're sys-apps/pcmciautils,
sys-apps/pcmcia-cs, sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-cis, sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-modules,
Well, I wouldn't be shot by my bosses, though. :P]


UTF8+IPAPGothic+GMail = MojiBake

記念にスクリーンショット. :P
L -> *になってる,v -> Tにもなるらしい.
[Like shindo-san said, I reproduced MojiBake when using UTF8 and IPAPGothic.
Here's a screen shot of L -> *.
And, v -> T could be.]


Geode GX1 boot log or so

まだ幾つか問題が有るケド,取り敢えずserial consoleとdropbear SSHが動いたので,
1) kernelの.configを調整していない所為で,要らないモノが結構有る.
2) その所為でframbufferがboot中にどこかに逝って仕舞うし,CFのDMAが効かない.
3) udevを/dev/console, /dev/nullだけから動かしているのでbootが激しく遅い.
4) rootfsの大きさが100MB以上.
[K, it just works.
Some unstisfied thigies even are, though.
Serial cosole works, dropbear SSH works... So, I must do other codings.
Some memo are on the below.
1) Kernel's .config aren't sanitized, many unneeded config options are.
2) Due to 1), framebuffer got corrupted and CF's DMA are disabled ATM.
3) Using udev w/ only /dev/{console,null}. So, it makes boot time slowly.
4) Size of rootfs exceeded 100MB, it's too huge as embedded rootfs.]

追加:ヘボ英語入れるの忘れてた. :P
[ADD: Forgot to add eng"r"ish stubs. :P]
hiyuh@fukurou ~ $ /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/kermit -c
Connecting to /dev/tts/USB0, speed 115200
Escape character: Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS): enabled
Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
or followed by ? to see other options.

Press any key to continue.

GNU GRUB version 0.97 (640K lower / 127488K upper memory)

| Gentoo Linux (2.6.17-gentoo-r5) |
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Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the
commands before booting, or 'c' for a command-line.
The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in 5 seconds.

Booting 'Gentoo Linux (2.6.17-gentoo-r5)'

root (hd0,0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
kernel /boot/kernel-2.6.17-gentoo-r5 hda=none hdb=none root=/dev/hdc1 conso
le=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 udev
[Linux-bzImage, setup=0x1c00, size=0x16fc2e]

Linux version 2.6.17-gentoo-r5 (root@fukurou) (gcc version 3.4.6 (Gentoo 3.
4.6-r2, HTB-3.4.4-1.00, ssp-3.4.6-1.0, pie-8.7.9)) #1 PREEMPT Wed Aug 23 10
:05:52 UTC 2006
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 00000000000a0000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 0000000007d80000 (usable)
BIOS-e820: 00000000ffff0000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
0MB HIGHMEM available.
125MB LOWMEM available.
DMI 2.2 present.
ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP
Allocating PCI resources starting at 10000000 (gap: 07d80000:f8270000)
Built 1 zonelists
Kernel command line: hda=none hdb=none root=/dev/hdc1 console=tty0 console=
ttyS0,115200n8 udev
ide_setup: hda=none
ide_setup: hdb=none
Initializing CPU#0
PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 9, 2048 bytes)
Detected 299.730 MHz processor.
Using tsc for high-res timesource
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Memory: 123832k/128512k available (1957k kernel code, 4280k reserved, 716k
data, 152k init, 0k highmem)
Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode... Ok.
Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 609.26 BogoMIPS (lpj=304633)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
Working around Cyrix MediaGX virtual DMA bugs.
Enable Memory-Write-back mode on Cyrix/NSC processor.
Enable Memory access reorder on Cyrix/NSC processor.
Enable Incrementor on Cyrix/NSC processor.
CPU: Cyrix Geode(TM) Integrated Processor by National Semi stepping 02
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
SMP alternatives: switching to UP code
Freeing SMP alternatives: 0k freed
NET: Registered protocol family 16
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfae00, last bus=0
Setting up standard PCI resources
ACPI: Subsystem revision 20060127
ACPI: Interpreter disabled.
Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay
pnp: PnP ACPI: disabled
SCSI subsystem initialized
usbcore: registered new driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new driver hub
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
PCI: Using IRQ router NatSemi [1078/0100] at 0000:00:12.0
PCI: Ignore bogus resource 6 [0:0] of 0000:00:12.4
PCI: Bus 1, cardbus bridge: 0000:00:09.0
IO window: 00001000-000010ff
IO window: 00001400-000014ff
PREFETCH window: 10000000-11ffffff
MEM window: 12000000-13ffffff
PCI: Assigned IRQ 11 for device 0000:00:09.0
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 2048)
TCP reno registered
audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
audit(1156370080.571:1): initialized
squashfs: version 3.0 (2006/03/15) Phillip Lougher
Initializing Cryptographic API
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler deadline registered (default)
gx1fb 0000:00:12.4: 2560 Kibyte of video memory at 0x40800000
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30
fb0: GX1 frame buffer device
vga16fb: mapped to 0xc00a0000
fb1: VGA16 VGA frame buffer device
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
serial8250: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
PNP: No PS/2 controller found. Probing ports directly.
serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 8192K size 1024 blocksize
loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
CS5530: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:00:12.2
CS5530: chipset revision 0
CS5530: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /class/input/input0
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hdc: max request size: 128KiB
hdc: 2030112 sectors (1039 MB) w/1KiB Cache, CHS=2014/16/63
hdc: hdc1
116x: driver isp116x-hcd, 03 Nov 2005
USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v3.0
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usbcore: registered new driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.
i2c /dev entries driver
md: md driver 0.90.3 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27
md: bitmap version 4.39
wbsd: Winbond W83L51xD SD/MMC card interface driver, 1.5
wbsd: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
TCP bic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 1
NET: Registered protocol family 17
Using IPI Shortcut mode
md: Autodetecting RAID arrays.
md: autorun ...
md: ... autorun DONE.
kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem) readonly.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 152k freed

INIT: version 2.86 booting

Gentoo Linux; http://www.gentoo.org/
Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPLv2

Press I to enter interactive boot mode

* Mounting proc at /proc ... [ ok ]
* Mounting sysfs at /sys ... [ ok ]
* Mounting /dev for udev ... [ ok ]
* Seeding /dev with needed nodes ... [ ok ]
* Setting up proper hotplug agent ...
* Using netlink for hotplug events...
[ ok ]
* Starting udevd ... [ ok ]
* Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents ... [ ok ]
* Letting udev process events ... [ ok ]
* Finalizing udev configuration ... [ ok ]
* Mounting devpts at /dev/pts ... [ ok ]
* Checking root filesystem .../dev/hdc1: clean, 11806/126976 files, 50553/253756 blocks
[ ok ]
* Remounting root filesystem read/write ... [ ok ]
* Checking all filesystems ... [ ok ]
* Mounting local filesystems ... [ ok ]
* Mounting USB device filesystem (usbfs) ... [ ok ]
* Activating (possible) swap ... [ ok ]
* Setting system clock using the hardware clock [Local Time] ... [ ok ]
* Configuring kernel parameters ... [ ok ]
* Updating environment ... [ ok ]
* Cleaning /var/lock, /var/run ... [ ok ]
* Cleaning /tmp directory ... [ ok ]
* Device initiated services:
* Setting hostname to bs_root ... [ ok ]
* Loading key mappings ... [ ok ]
* Setting terminal encoding to UTF-8 ... [ ok ]
* Setting user font ... [ ok ]
* Starting lo
* Bringing up lo
[ ok ]
* Adding routes
* ... [ ok ]
* Initializing random number generator ... [ ok ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 3
[ ok ]
* Starting syslog-ng ... [ ok ]
* Starting eth0
* Configuration not set for eth0 - assuming DHCP
* Bringing up eth0
* dhcp
* Running dhcpcd ... [ ok ]
* eth0 received address
* Starting dropbear ... [ ok ]
* Mounting network filesystems ... [ ok ]
* Starting vixie-cron ... [ ok ]
* Starting local ... [ ok ]

This is bs_root.unknown_domain (Linux i586 2.6.17-gentoo-r5) 21:57:39

bs_root login: hiyuh
Last login: Wed Aug 23 21:45:14 2006 on ttyS0

hiyuh@bs_root ~ $ uname -a
Linux bs_root 2.6.17-gentoo-r5 #1 PREEMPT Wed Aug 23 10:05:52 UTC 2006 i586
Geode(TM) Integrated Processor by National Semi CyrixInstead GNU/Linux

hiyuh@bs_root ~ $ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : CyrixInstead
cpu family : 5
model : 9
model name : Geode(TM) Integrated Processor by National Semi
stepping : 2
cpu MHz : 299.730
cache size : 16 KB
fdiv_bug : no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug : no
coma_bug : no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 2
wp : yes
flags : fpu tsc msr cx8 cmov mmx cxmmx up
bogomips : 609.26

hiyuh@bs_root ~ $ gcc -v 2>&1 | sed -e "s/--/\n\ \ \ \ --/g"
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc/i586-pc-linux-uclibc/3.4.6/specs
Configured with: /var/tmp/portage/gcc-3.4.6-r2/work/gcc-3.4.6/configure
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.4.6 (Gentoo 3.4.6-r2, HTB-3.4.4-1.00, ssp-3.4.6-1.0, pie-8.7.9)

hiyuh@bs_root ~ $ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdc1 976M 183M 745M 20% /
udev 61M 152K 61M 1% /dev
shm 61M 0 61M 0% /dev/shm

hiyuh@bs_root ~ $ lsmod
Module Size Used by
rtc 8980 0
8139cp 20480 0
8139too 25088 0
mii 5376 2 8139cp,8139too
yenta_socket 24844 0
rsrc_nonstatic 10752 1 yenta_socket
pcmcia_core 38800 2 yenta_socket,rsrc_nonstatic

hiyuh@bs_root ~ $ su
root@bs_root hiyuh # shutdown -h now

Broadcast message from root (ttyS0) (Wed Aug 23 21:58:21 2006):

The system is going down for system halt NOW!

INIT: Switching to runlevel: 0

INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal

* Stopping local ... [ ok ]
* Stopping vixie-cron ... [ ok ]
* Saving random seed ... [ ok ]
* Unmounting network filesystems ... [ ok ]
* Stopping dropbear ... [ ok ]
* Stopping eth0
* Bringing down eth0
* Stopping dhcpcd on eth0 ... [ ok ]
* Shutting down eth0 ... [ ok ]
* Stopping lo
* Bringing down lo
* Shutting down lo ... [ ok ]
* Stopping syslog-ng ... [ ok ]
* Unmounting filesystems ... [ ok ]
* Remounting remaining filesystems readonly ... [ ok ]
System halted.

(Back at localhost)